The Westin Calgary: Elevating Brand Exposure and Audience Engagement

The Westin Calgary: Elevating Brand Exposure and Audience Engagement

Client: The Westin Calgary

Services Provided: Social Media Strategy, Influencer Marketing, Content Creation

Industry: Hospitality

The Mission: Nestled in the heart of Calgary’s downtown district, The Westin Calgary is a hub for travelers seeking balance, relaxation, and adventure. Whether it’s a business trip, family vacation, or a retreat to experience the Canadian outdoors, The Westin delivers on its promise to help guests feel renewed and energized. But, as competitive as the hospitality industry is, The Westin Calgary needed to boost their brand visibility in a crowded market. That’s when they turned to Crow Marketing for a comprehensive social media and content campaign.

The Challenge: The Westin Calgary needed more than just likes and followers—they wanted highly targeted brand exposure, particularly within the local market. Their goal? To raise awareness of their offerings, especially the hotel’s pet-friendly nature, while growing a qualified Instagram audience that they could engage with long-term. It wasn’t just about numbers; they needed the right audience to help build long-term brand loyalty.

Our Solution: We love a challenge, and for The Westin Calgary, we pulled out all the stops. To start, we crafted a high-performance social media giveaway campaign, collaborating with key local influencers to get the word out. But we didn’t just throw a blanket over the internet and hope for the best. We honed in on a precise geographic target around Calgary, ensuring that every impression was relevant and valuable. Our strategy was laser-focused—appealing to users who were likely to visit, stay, or recommend The Westin to their friends and family.

To highlight The Westin’s pet-friendly vibe, we incorporated fun, creative content that resonated with animal lovers, making sure the message wasn’t just about a hotel stay, but an experience that welcomed the whole family—including furry friends.

The Results: The results were nothing short of impressive. In the first week alone, the campaign generated over 40,000 impressions, introducing The Westin brand to a flood of new faces. And it didn’t stop there. By the end of the campaign, The Westin Calgary had gained over 1,500 highly qualified followers on Instagram—people who lived locally and were now actively engaging with the brand.

But numbers are just part of the story. The Westin’s online presence saw a major boost in engagement, connecting the hotel to a new audience who could now stay updated on special offers, events, and promotions, solidifying their place in Calgary’s bustling downtown scene.

Client Testimonial: “This was an AMAZING activation. We’d love to partner again and we’ll stay connected while we look out for other opportunities to get creative with you guys!” — The Westin Calgary


The Westin Calgary


On-Brand Photo Shoot

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